Physical literacy is seeing a grassy hill, gauging the incline and knowing with confidence that you can lie down at the top of the hill and log roll all the way to the bottom, where you tumble to a stop, breathless with exhilaration. Physical literacy is the joy in movement.
Physical literacy is seeing a group of children playing rounders on the street and feeling confident that you can ask to join in. Confident in your ability to bowl the ball, bat the ball and make a good attempt to catch the ball. Physical literacy is the swell in your chest of self-esteem.
Physical literacy is listening to the teacher when she asks the class to sit down, take out your books and to start working in your maths workbook. Physical literacy is having the self-control to sit when required and follow a series of instructions. Physical literacy is responding appropriately to your environment.
Physical literacy is fitting in at home with your brothers and sisters. Physical literacy is knowing when you are squeezing the baby too tight or holding the cat too strongly. Physical literacy is knowing your limits for safety.
Physical literacy is picking up a bicycle and speeding down a hill with the wind in your hair, knowing you can balance, slow down, swerve or stop at any time. Physical literacy is confidence in your ability and motivation to push yourself.