‘Being with the truth’ is a spiritual or a sacred gathering, a ‘spiritual discourse’. It isn’t for everyone because it requires a willingness, openness, and a readiness to embrace the truth and only the truth. The aim of it is to progress in a spiritual way so we can attain our goal of the soul’s union with God. It is a process of opening yourself to receive what already is and what you came to do. It helps you to move away from illusion and delusion if you are brave enough to seek it. It creates a deeply spiritual immersion that allows for a deeper experience of the Truth, and it opens your Heart and quietens your mind. We all have the capacity to distinguish the Truth which means the true teacher is in you, and being with the Truth, is about recognising what is already within you.
- Decide to have a spiritual dialogue.
- Have some sublime and true words to spark your insight.
- Agree on the shared ground rules.

The commitment you need is to awaken, uplift and enlighten yourself so as to unmask illusions and see through delusions. In short, the commitment is to know the truth and to be set free, to become present, connected, congruent and authentic.
As Thomas Merton wrote in Ascent to Truth
“Our nature imposes on us a certain pattern of development which we must follow if we are to fulfil our best capacities: We must know the truth, and we must love the truth we know,
and we must act according to the measure of our love.”
As Stephen T. Scott wrote in Wings to Fly
“Yes, the truth may hurt but lies will become a crutch and will cripple you.”
As Albert Einstein wrote
“The pursuit of truth and beauty is a sphere of activity in which we are permitted to remain, children, all our lives.”
As Wayne Dyer wrote
“Here is your truth. You have God within you. Live from that place and all will be well.”
Ho’oponopono Harmonising Virtual Circle – Virtual Workshops
Time :8:00 PM to 10 PM
Cost : £ 40.00
Ho’oponopono Harmonising Virtual Circle – Virtual Workshops
Time :8:00 PM to 10 PM
Cost : £ 40.00
Ho’oponopono Harmonising Virtual Circle – Virtual Workshops
Time :8:00 PM to 10 PM
Cost : £ 40.00
Ho’oponopono Harmonising Virtual Circle – Virtual Workshops
Time :8:00 PM to 10 PM
Cost : £ 40.00
Child Centre Method Module 9 – In-person workshops
Time :9.30 to 17.00
Cost : £ 280.00
Ho’oponopono Harmonising Virtual Circle – Virtual Workshops
Time :8:00 PM to 10 PM
Cost : £ 40.00
Ho’oponopono Harmonising Virtual Circle – Virtual Workshops
Time :8:00 PM to 10 PM
Cost : £ 40.00
Ho’oponopono Harmonising Virtual Circle – Virtual Workshops
Time :8:00 PM to 10 PM
Cost : £ 40.00
Ho’oponopono Retreat Haworth England
Time :6 pm to 4 pm
Cost : £ 185.00 (Deposit 85.00 per person)
Location: Bronte House Howarth
Ho’oponopono Harmonising Virtual Circle – Virtual Workshops
Time :8:00 PM to 10 PM
Cost : £ 40.00
Ho’oponopono Harmonising Virtual Circle – Virtual Workshops
Time :8:00 PM to 10 PM
Cost : £ 40.00
Ho’oponopono Retreat Haworth England
Time :8:00 PM to 9:45 PM
Cost : £ 40.00