Dr Alweena Awan is an international expert on the health and therapeutic benefits of combining scientific research, kinesiology, and energy medicine.
Alweena is a multidimensional visionary, a spiritual and kinesiology teacher, a keynote speaker, an author, and an energetic intuitive healer specialising in energetic healing and rapid transformation for adults and children. She is also an intuitive channeler who specialises in New Consciousness, spiritual mastery, and spiritual healing. She is an expert in both teaching and integrating primitive reflexes and is an Attuning to Full Potential kinesiology developer and teacher.
She works as a consultant, as a developer of kinesiology programmes built on holistic health principles, and as a trainer of the next generation of kinesiologists.
Dr Awan, alongside Caroline Ancely, has developed a new kinesiology treatment modality, Attuning to Full Potential Kinesiology, which unlocks the body’s ability to heal itself, and has since trained practitioners and new therapists to deliver this technique across the UK and Ireland.
Dr Awan completed her PhD titled Raising Children’s Learning and Performance in Schools, she defined the Child Centric Learning Effectiveness Cycle (CCLEC), using sound therapy and movement programmes to raise physical literacy in children within a holistic model for raising their learning and performance that she integrated with academic research into teaching effectiveness and pupil improvement.
This led to the creation of the Child Centre Method which uses science, Kinesiology and energy medicine to help children with behavioural, learning and emotional issues.
She works as a consultant, as a developer of kinesiology programmes built on holistic health principles, and as a trainer of the next generation of kinesiologists.
Dr Awan began her study of kinesiology in 1997, taking training courses around the world with leading international practitioners including Hugo Tobar and Dr Charles Krebs.
She is qualified in seven different branches of Kinesiology and has created her own leading-edge Kinesiology method. She is an active teacher of Attuning to Full Potential.
Dr Awan’s extensive experience is not just theoretical. She has successfully applied her knowledge in training, advising, and consulting on a wide range of kinesiology-rooted therapeutic activities that combine science and energy medicine. Her practical approach ensures that her clients see real, tangible results.
Dr Awan’s early work, which was built upon her PhD research, has had a significant impact. She has developed and refined her SIMPLE Physical Literacy and the CHILD Centre Method programmes. These programs have proven to be highly effective in rehabilitating children’s primitive reflexes, improving their body confidence, and increasing their learning capacity and school performance. The success of these programs is a testament to the validity of her research, which is summarised in her book, ‘Raising Children’s Learning and Performance in Schools, ‘ published in 2010.
She subsequently expanded her use of kinesiology to address a wide range of physical, emotional, and learning issues in adults and children, with a specific interest in overcoming neuro-developmental delay in children and trauma in adults through the integration of primitive reflexes.
Dr Awan’s work combines traditional academic educational research with principles derived from a wide range of holistic practices and energy medicine.
She is currently professionally active in teaching and training within the following four key therapeutic strands that she has either created as an original treatment modality (numbers 1-3) or adapted according to her practice principles (number 4).
1. Attuning to Full Potential
Training practitioners in her own kinesiology-based therapy that unlocks the body’s ability to heal itself. Read More
2. The CHILD Centre Method
Training therapists in a range of kinesiology modalities to work one-to-one with children to realign their primitive reflexes using SIMPLE principles she derived from kinesiology, energy medicine and movement. Read More
3. SIMPLE Physical Literacy
Training teachers and parents to maximise children’s school readiness by integrating children’s retained primitive reflexes and improving physical literacy through a systematic movement program. Research has shown that this improves their confidence and increases their learning capacity and performance in school. Read More
4. Ho’oponopono Harmonising circle
Teaching individuals to reduce stress and anxiety “by clearing and setting things right.” Read More
A Tiny Light Comes Through to Harmonise and Heal and Attune to Full Potential.
At just twenty-one years old, I found myself in continuous pain after a car accident in the Sahara Desert. Having just completed my PE teacher training, I was now lying stationary unable to move at all (for three months gazing at a ceiling) as I recovered from a broken back and neck. Straight after the accident in the hospital at one point, I found myself floating above my body, gazing down on my earthly existence. I hesitated and then, remembering my parent’s grief at my brother’s recent death by a car accident, I returned to my body. It was only later that I realised I had a near death experience and that this would profoundly change who I was, and my capabilities had been enhanced. I had come back with new insights and the one thing I knew was that I was not going to have an operation on my neck. Deep within myself, I had come back with a deep trust that my body could heal itself and so I refused an invasive intervention. My life changed after this near-death experience. I was grateful for a new beginning and a body that healed itself completely.
I also realised that the accident was the best gift of my life, and that out of every bad experience, a tiny light comes through. I received many gifts throughout my immobile months. The gift of presence – as my only activity during those hundreds of slow-passing hours was reading through a book resting on a glass pane suspended above my head. The gift of awareness of choice – as it dawned on me that I had experienced the profoundest choice of all, to live or leave. I realised that there is choice in every moment which needs to be brought to light for us to know how powerful we really are. The gift of choosing for ourselves regardless of experts, parents, partners, husbands etc advising us. And the gift of knowing the value of physical literacy, of movement. For years, even after leaving hospital, regular visits to the chiropractor were my only way of managing the pain of movement.
One day, my chiropractor (Susanne Lakin) used kinesiology to muscle test that I had emotional resistance (lack of forgiveness) being at the root of my pain. That day, after mining to the core of my need to forgive one person in particular, I walked out with my pain reduced by over 70%. The remainder of the journey involved forgiving myself, not others, but myself for the guilt I carried over my brother’s death. This new discovery of the relationship between emotional resistance and pain, or the body’s ability to heal, led me down a path of intense study of different methods of kinesiology, a PhD on helping children using holistic methods which led to the development of the Child Centre Method and profound resonance with the traditional Hawaiian method of ‘setting things right’, Ho’oponopono. Most importantly after learning most of the different kinesiology available I was led to channel Attuning to Full Potential Kinesiology. I co-created and developed this with Caroline Ancely, an intuitive Kinesiologist already using vibrational icons.
Potential Training Schools aim is to reach out to people the world over who are seeking to heal themselves or others. Potential training School (PTS) uses morphogenic field theory to help the body heal itself. A range of healing modalities are offered that can help heal stress and trauma that can be behind individual suffering. The aim is to heal the trauma within the person so we can be complete beings, reaching our individual potential and experiencing life to the full.
Potential Training School offers a range of complementary healing tools to raise a person’s consciousness level to oneness with God and with each other. Raising consciousness and healing past traumas from the root lifts a person out of the destructive levels of consciousness that cause suffering. Everyone who raises their consciousness level will have a positive impact on by also raising the collective consciousness. The more people that reach the higher states will help to awaken more and more people around the world. The aim is for peace and harmony among each other and to work in collaboration with one another rather than being in destructive competition, to care for one another instead of a self-focus where it’s all about ‘ME’.
Potential Training School offers teaching on an individual level to help you reach your potential and live a peaceful, joyful, harmonious life. We are creative beings with amazing potential and gifts, and we also have the ability to create. When this is realised, and what is stopping us removed we can create the life that we want with no obstructions (if it’s for our higher good).
Adults or children can choose to train in the healing modality (technique) that resonates within their hearts. Each modality below offers a path that is different but intertwined with the others, and each complements the other. Every path has the potential to raise our consciousness and reconnect with the divinity within us, to help you obtain peace, love, and harmony with the goal of reaching our full potential.
Caroline Ancely originally completed a business degree in France. After 10 years in industry she trained in Communication skills and various therapies (Transactional Analysis, Gestalt and Rebirth). She then specialised in Neuro Linguistic Programming at Master’s Level and also trained in Graphology and Morphopsychology. This led to a new career as a Communication Trainer in various firms, Social Services and nurses’ schools. Caroline then trained in Kinesiology and became a facilitator as well as a one-to-one consultant.
For over 30 years Caroline has been teaching various kinesiologys including Touch For Health (energy circulation through reflexes points and meridians), 3 in1 (finding and clearing the age of traumas), Brain Gym (exercises to reconnect synapses in the brain), and Optimum Health Balance (finding and clearing energy imbalances and running programs via icons). Caroline is also an energetic healer and Reiki master. Based on her lifetime experiences, alongside Dr Alweena Awan , Caroline co-developed Attuning Full Potential (AFP).
Children: Potential Training School offers children to set their lives on the right track during the early years so they can reach their highest potential. This may include healing past traumas/stresses and separation trauma. To realise that they are divine beings and can be co-creators. Enabling them to be confident, happy, secure, loving, and joyful beings. And that they develop and awaken their own special abilities and gifts so they feel empowered to follow their own paths.