The Child Centre Method specialises in integrating primitive reflexes and addressing physical literacy, which is one of the precursors for literacy and for learning problems and underachievement. The Child Centre Method is unique because it identifies the underlying stress and corrects it in a holistic way, that is quicker, then just using developmental exercises on their own.
Our aims are to enable individuals to develop personally and professionally and to use an integrated, holistic method to help children . Our philosophy and teachings establish a range of wide productive skills that form a basis of successful, professional practice.


  • A series of mandatory modules
  • Additional selection of workshops and courses that offer personal choice
  • Home study, reading and case studies
  • Support and personal development throughout the course and extra support if required.
  • A simple way of assessment that will leave the individual feeling competent and confident.

Registration and certification

The course and The Potential Training School is supported by and registered with The Healer Foundation and The BCMA: British Complementary Medicine Association.The course is accredited by KAI: Kinesiology Association Ireland as well as IICT: International Institute of Complementary Therapists

Feedback from one student
Just forwarding my daughter’s statement about the Child Centre Method AFP balance I did on her.

…My mum did a balance and the next day at school I remembered we had a Geography test that day which I had forgotten all about. So I read over the chapter once at break time. It was weird because I felt I understood it better and when I went in for the test I found it really weird because the info I read stayed in my brain, because I’m dyslexic normally and I would need to read something lots of times for that to happen especially with Geography because I really don’t like it and I got 86% in the testab

Assessment of students

1 Profile twenty case studies to show assessment procedures, recommendations, treatment protocols and evidence of progress.

2. One video evidence to show an assessment being carried out.

3. Reflective diary and summary of all the books read from the reading list.

4. Knowledge of exercises for different reflexes and how lack of integration of certain reflexes may show in the behaviour of the child both in and out of the classroom situation.

5. Completion of workbooks for each module.

6. Assessment of all the simple sequences or video evidence.

7. One update day a year.

Recommended reading

Energetic Kinesiology – Principles and Practice. Krebs C & T. O’Neill McGowan (2014)  Handspring Publishing Limited.

The Well-Balanced Child: Movement and Early Learning Sally Goddard (2004).

Reflexes, Learning and Behavior, A Non-Invasive Approach to Solving Learning and Behavior Problems, by Sally Goddard, Fern Ridge Press, 2002.

Assessing Neuromotor Readiness for Learning: The INPP Developmental Screening Test and School Intervention Programme Sally Goddard Blythe (2012).

Family Constellations Revealed: Hellinger’s Family and Other Constellations Revealed: Volume 1 (The Systemic View) Indra Thorsten Preiss.

Ilhinoor: Awakening The Divine Human Kiara Windrider.

The books in bold are mandatory whilst those in normal print are recommendations.

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