Therapies/ Kinesiology

Therapies/ Kinesiology

The founding father of kinesiology is considered to be Dr George Goodheart. He discovered that muscle testing could be used to evaluate a person’s overall health. Kinesiology enables the practitioner to evaluate the nervous, lymphatic and vascular systems of a client and to locate stress at very deep levels in the body. It is a non-invasive method and is grounded in the study of anatomy and physiology and uses muscles as monitors of stress and imbalance within the body. A fundamental premise of kinesiology is that the body has innate healing energy and is constantly trying to come back into balance to heal itself.

Kinesiology recognises the flows of energy within the body not only relate to the muscles but to every tissue and organ that make the body a living, feeling being. These energy flows can be evaluated by testing the function of the muscles, which in turn reflect the body’s overall state of structural, chemical, or emotional balance. Therefore Kinesiology can tap into energies that the most conventional modalities overlook. It taps into imbalances in the body and therefore has close links with the acupuncture concept of energy flow. Where there is stress in the body, the energy flow is interrupted, and the whole body is affected. Muscle testing can identify the underlying source of stress and Acupressure massage, light touch and other simple correction skills are used to restore balance.

Neural Organisation Technique

Neural Organisation Technique (N.O.T), developed by Dr  Carl Ferreri, is a form of a specialised kinesiology protocol that deals specifically with the integration and organisation of the central nervous system.
Children who have learning or behavioural difficulties often display disorganisation or immaturity of the nervous system which interferes with the ability to process or interpret the information coming in from the senses and thereby affects learning.

SIMPLE – Sensory Integration Movement Program for Learning Enhancement.

The SIMPLE Program is a movement program, based on research to help children integrate primitive and postural reflexes. Children who would benefit from sensory integration exercise typically display symptoms such as clumsiness, feeling tired easily, disliking or finding games difficult, breaking bones, slumping or constantly moving. Children who would benefit from sensory integration exercises typically display symptoms such as clumsiness, feeling tired easily, disliking or finding games difficult, breaking bones, slumping or constantly moving and retained primitive and postural reflexes.


Sound therapy

Sound therapy helps by working in establishing ear dominance and helping auditory processing problems by using gaiting and filtering through music such as Bach and Mozart to establish the full range of frequencies from 20 to 20,000HZ. This process is done by listening to special CDs for a period of eight or sixteen weeks with specialised headphones.

A child who would benefit from sound therapy would have difficulty following instructions and/or have a short concentration and attention span. Memory may be poor and they tune out often.

See Research section for more information and The Listening Program, which is used at the centre and was researched by Dr Alweena Awan, fromerly Zairi