Attuning to Full Potential (AFP) is a new kinesiology modality that links the client and the practitioner in parallel journeys towards realising your full potential. Vibrational icons, monitored through muscle responses, have the capacity to affect profound changes in the client by attuning them to remembering who they really are. At the same time, AFP allows the practitioner to work on themself at profoundly deep levels, thus attuning you to your own full potential and towards unlimited growth. As this dual process develops while using AFP, your effectiveness as a therapist increases dramatically.

AFP helps you and the client to take responsibility for all behaviours, giving the permission to allow the release of old patterns, programs and habits, and releasing those parts of us that create experiences for healing to occur. It raises our level of consciousness and helps us let go of fear, experience trust, or to surrender and attune to our full potential by releasing fears, distortions and patterns that currently separate us from it.

AFP deals with imbalances on all levels: physical, chemical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. It adopts a holistic approach to dealing with issues and stress, using energy medicine to stimulate rebalancing. Using muscle testing as a body monitor helps to identify where the client is experiencing blockages as imbalances in the mind/body/spirit system, and it helps clear them to find a new comfortable balance. An off-shoot, the Child Centre Method, is specifically designed to act on retained reflexes when working with children.


Dr Awan’s extensive experience is not just theoretical. She has successfully applied her knowledge in training, advising, and consulting on a wide range of kinesiology-rooted therapeutic activities that combine science and energy medicine. Her practical approach ensures that her clients see real, tangible results.

Dr Awan’s early work, which was built upon her PhD research, has had a significant impact. She has developed and refined her SIMPLE Physical Literacy and the CHILD Centre Method programmes. These programs have proven to be highly effective in rehabilitating children’s primitive reflexes, improving their body confidence, and increasing their learning capacity and school performance. The success of these programs is a testament to the validity of her research, which is summarised in her book, ‘Raising Children’s Learning and Performance in Schools, ‘ published in 2010.

She subsequently expanded her use of kinesiology to address a wide range of physical, emotional, and learning issues in adults and children, with a specific interest in overcoming neuro-developmental delay in children and trauma in adults through the integration of primitive reflexes.

Dr Awan’s work combines traditional academic educational research with principles derived from a wide range of holistic practices and energy medicine.

She is currently professionally active in teaching and training within the following four key therapeutic strands that she has either created as an original treatment modality (numbers 1-3) or adapted according to her practice principles (number 4).

1. Attuning to Full Potential

Training practitioners in her own kinesiology-based therapy that unlocks the body’s ability to heal itself. Read More

2. The CHILD Centre Method

Training therapists in a range of kinesiology modalities to work one-to-one with children to realign their primitive reflexes using SIMPLE principles she derived from kinesiology, energy medicine and movement. Read More

3. SIMPLE Physical Literacy

Training teachers and parents to maximise children’s school readiness by integrating children’s retained primitive reflexes and improving physical literacy through a systematic movement program. Research has shown that this improves their confidence and increases their learning capacity and performance in school. Read More

4. Ho’oponopono Harmonising circle

Teaching individuals to reduce stress and anxiety “by clearing and setting things right.” Read More

How To Train AFP Modules

There are two entry routes to AFP, one for established kinesiologists (entry route AFP1) and another for people who are new to kinesiology (entry route AFP Introductory). Please select the correct entry route for AFP 1. After that the modules within Attuning to Full Potential have to be taken in the correct order of AFP 2, AFP 3.

Please book at least ten days before as packs have to be sent out for the different courses via post.