Ho’oponopono Harmonising Circle

Training to voice their wants and needs, identify their feelings, and learn how to be present to help focus and focus in learning.

Ho’oponopono is a very simple and powerful technique that can be used anywhere and at anytime, Ho’oponopono means ‘to set things right. It enables you to be authentic and congruent with yourself, another person, or a situation knowing that all is right. 

The art of forgiveness. The power to clear memories from the past and move forward to becoming the best version of yourself.

Ho’oponopono is a very simple and powerful technique that can be used anywhere and at anytime, Ho’oponopono means ‘to set things right. It enables you to be authentic and congruent with yourself, another person, or a situation knowing that all is right. It encourages full personal responsibility for all aspects of one’s life and it does this by working on memories or programs that are recorded in our subconscious through the experiences we have had throughout our lives. It enables you to change and clear memories or programmes that are preventing you from achieving your full potential.
Good and bad memories are laid down throughout our lives by the experiences we have. The bad memories, though we may not be not aware of them can inhibit us from reaching our full potential, these inhibiting memories can even be passed on to us from previous generations.

Ho’oponopono is an effortless and powerful technique that can be used anywhere and anytime; Ho’oponopono means ‘to set things right. It enables you to be authentic and congruent with yourself, another person, or a situation knowing that all is right. It encourages full personal responsibility for all aspects of one’s life, and it does this by working on memories or programs that are recorded in our subconscious through our experiences throughout our lives. It enables you to change and clear memories or programmes preventing you from achieving your full potential.

Positive and negative memories are laid down throughout our lives by our experiences. The negative memories, though we may not be aware of them, can inhibit us from reaching our full potential; these inhibiting memories can even be passed on to us from previous generations.

Ho’oponopono can clear these limiting memories and programmes and is usually taught in a group because a group situation assists and amplifies the releasing and clearing of these limiting subconscious memories. Once the technique is learned it can be practised alone to help ‘clear’ the difficult issues. Simply put it’s about erasing data and memories that are holding you back and stopping the ‘memory tape’ from replaying the same behaviour over and over again. Ho’oponopono Harmonising workshops help you to go back to zero where all possibilities exist.
It aims to empower you to take responsibility for yourself, your life, your wants, wishes and desires and live naturally and authentically within yourself. The Ho’oponopono Harmonising workshop will provide you with the environment, the tools, and the community to enable you to live and be your authentic true self.

HHC is a powerful workshop that will change your life and help you tune your life into the vibration of love, abundance, self-compassion, and forgiveness. The abundance of life we achieve is determined by our vibrations, if tuned properly we can grow, radiate and connect to the infinite abundance that is available to us all.

HHC is a journey of growth, self-discovery, and enlightenment, it allows us to realise our value, our real worth, and to become the best versions of ourselves.

HHC is about moving away from old patterns of behaviour and resistance by clearing the ‘memory tapes’ that are subconsciously holding us back so we can move to a new point of attraction – a vortex of creation. It helps us to practice staying present, congruent, connected, and authentic. We will feel a deeper presence, connectedness and clarity and learn to hear our heart speaking to us.

This workshop will help you with the tools to use daily and simply to change your life and behaviour in any environment, especially those environments you may currently be fearful of.

HHC is a powerful workshop that will change your life and help you tune your life into the vibration of love, abundance, self-compassion, and forgiveness. The abundance of life we achieve is determined by our vibrations, if tuned properly we can grow, radiate and connect to the infinite abundance that is available to us all.

HHC is a journey of growth, self-discovery, and enlightenment, it allows us to realise our value, our real worth, and to become the best versions of ourselves.

HHC is about moving away from old patterns of behaviour and resistance by clearing the ‘memory tapes’ that are subconsciously holding us back so we can move to a new point of attraction – a vortex of creation. It helps us to practice staying present, congruent, connected, and authentic. We will feel a deeper presence, connectedness and clarity and learn to hear our heart speaking to us.

As Dr Hew Len says:

‘Memories are problems that recur throughout our lives. When we are conscious that we are 100% responsible for everything that we manifest in our lives. Then we accept our problems as a chance to clean them from our lives. “We can appeal to Divinity who knows our blueprint for healing of all thoughts and memories that are holding us back at this time”.

Ho’oponopono Harmonising workshop helps create shifts, release stuck emotions, unwind painful emotions and feelings in a safe place. It’s about forgiving yourselves and others, about being emotionally authentic, so you speak from the heart, it’s about changing belief systems and stopping self-sabotage caused by those ‘memory tapes’ that play in the subconscious and stop you from being what you know in your heart you were meant to be.

As Dr Hew Len says:

‘Memories are problems that recur throughout our lives. When we are conscious that we are 100% responsible for everything that we manifest in our lives. Then we accept our problems as a chance to clean them from our lives. “We can appeal to Divinity who knows our blueprint for healing of all thoughts and memories that are holding us back at this time”.


Why Choose Our Ho’oponopono Harmonising Workshop?

  1. It’s simple
  2. It’s powerful
  3. It’s effective
  4. It can be reinforced with practise at home anytime once you’ve learned the technique
  5. It’s flexible
  6. It helps us to take responsibility and stop self-sabotage
  7. It works!!
  8. It teaches you the simple technique of transmuting problems via love and forgiveness and not with the mind
  9. It helps you to get out of your own way
  10. It puts a stop to excuses, distractions, and dramas.
  11. It brings harmony and peace to your life (PEACE OF I)
  12. It is easy to learn and you’ll love it!

There are other benefits too such as:

  • Improved mental health and a reduction of anxietyand depression
  • Reduced stress
  • Enhanced physical well-being, lower blood pressure.
  • Improved emotional control
  • Improved relationships
  • More effective conflict resolution
  • Achievement of inner peace

 Ho’oponopono Harmonising Circle for Children 

The CHILD circle approach of working with traumatised   children is based on neuroscience and understanding the way the brains develops and is altered by exposure to stress and trauma. The circle is a way to start the communication process with children, in a safe and nurturing way that can lead to working with them on a one to one basis, where they feel they have already set a relationship and trust with the adult, and therefore are able to open up more to the adult. It is a way of tuning into the child.

 Traumatised children will either present as ‘falsely fierce’, fearless and overly confident persona or a timid, quiet, closed persona. Life experience has taught them this is how to survive and it needs a safe environment, and being with other children, in a place where everyone is communicating freely and authentically that allows them to open up.  These children do not feel safe in expressing their needs and wants and being authentic and heart centred as this has not in the past got them what they wanted.

The CHILD Circle can sometimes be the first step in offering a much needed ‘attachment figure’ to children who have lived through trauma and the importance of this is inestimable. The CHILD Circle is a simple model and helps children to become more focused, aware, present (heart-centred), creative and connected in their relationships. By showing children how to become more present and attentive, it helps them to become communicative in a in a heart directed and selective way. Experiencing their own ability to communicate, share and be heard and supported at this level encourages them to become more confident and relaxed in sharing their thoughts and needs.

The CHILD Circle is a safe environment where children learn how to deal with the feelings they might otherwise suppress or express in a negative manner in a positive and life enhancing way. It allows them to practice being non judgmental and to speak about what really matters to them and how it makes them feel. Children who live with, or through, trauma rarely develop the ability to access and connect with their feelings.  They  find it difficult to connect inwards. This connection is re-established in the circle, and expanded and built on, once the child begins to feel that it is safe for them to look inwards. These are  skills which support the child’s sense of self and confidence as well as their role in their peer group, school, home or the larger community. Once the basic skills of the Child Circle are learned, the child easily (and often subconsciously) carries them into their wider interactions and behaviours and helps them to connect or reconnect with the world.

 The adult taking part in ‘sustained shared circle’ with traumatised children needs a knowledge and understanding of the effects of trauma on:

  • Brain development and function
  • Impact on behaviour
  • Speech and language
  • Social and emotional skills