Neural Organization Technique focuses on prenatal and neonatal neurological development, i.e., our primitive reflex systems. The theory and basis of N.O.T. look at these primitive reflexes as fundamental neurological pathways that can be inappropriately retained or developmentally incomplete. Encouraging and resetting these retained reflexes to full maturity is a primary objective. These primitive structures are Fight/Flight, Feeding, Reproduction, and Immune systems. These survival systems are universal and the same in all forms of life.
Neural Organization Technique aims to re-establish optimal neural function by resetting neural pathways and undoing compensatory states. By restoring neural function to its original condition, the concept of rehabilitation and or retraining is no longer the highest priority. An optimally functioning nervous system allows the body to heal from acute or chronic illness and traumas at maximum efficiency while increasing vitality.
To reach this organised neurological state, we look at how sensory information (afferent stimuli) about our environment is gathered, processed, and interpreted, knowing that the (efferent) response must be consistent with the concept of survival and the preservation of the species. From the beginning of life, in utero through childhood and adult, N.O.T. recognises that our nervous system is continuously processing information through the pre-programmed neural pathways of the primitive neonatal reflexes described here as survival systems of fight/flight, feeding, reproduction and immune.
NOT was developed by Dr Carl Ferreri, and was based on the art and science of Applied Kinesiology. All the concepts which are drawn on and taught in N.O.T are based on knowledge acquired from Applied Kinesiology (Dr George Goodheart DC, Dr David Walther), Touch For Health (Dr John Thie DC), Sacro Occipital Technique (S.O.T – Dr De Jarnette), Cranio-Sacral Therapy, (Dr John Upledger), Chiropractic (Dr D Palmer), Dr Frank Chapman (Neuro Lymphatic Reflexes), Dr Terence Bennett DC (Bennett’s Reflexes or Neuro Vascular), Acupuncture, Nutrition, Anatomy & Physiology, and observations made by Dr Ferreri over forty five years as a research Chiropractor.
N.O.T is particularly helpful with children with learning or behavioural difficulties who display disorganisation or immaturity of the nervous system, which interferes with the ability to process or interpret the information coming in from the senses.
Primitive reflexes are linked to the survival systems, and often these primitive reflexes are “retained” or not appropriately developed into the mature survival systems or are “reinstated” due to trauma. This can often lead to learning difficulties as the brain’s hemispheric integration is compromised. Neural Organisation Technique identifies compensatory states and removes the ones that are no longer needed leading to fully functional and potential.
Time :8:00 PM to 10 PM
Cost : £ 40.00
Time :8:00 PM to 10 PM
Cost : £ 40.00
Time :8:00 PM to 10 PM
Cost : £ 40.00
Time :8:00 PM to 10 PM
Cost : £ 40.00
Time :9.30 to 17.00
Cost : £ 280.00
Time :8:00 PM to 10 PM
Cost : £ 40.00
Time :8:00 PM to 10 PM
Cost : £ 40.00
Time :8:00 PM to 10 PM
Cost : £ 40.00
Time :6 pm to 4 pm
Cost : £ 185.00 (Deposit 85.00 per person)
Location: Bronte House Howarth
Time :8:00 PM to 10 PM
Cost : £ 40.00
Time :8:00 PM to 10 PM
Cost : £ 40.00
Time :8:00 PM to 9:45 PM
Cost : £ 40.00