AFP Meditation Cards

Attuning to Full Potential Meditation cards

Discourse on the power of ‘being authentic and living your truth to become the best possible version of yourself.

Meditation symbols for the mind and body, and spirit using Attuning to Full Potential (AFP) cards

The AFP cards are sacred geometry and contain high frequencies of energy and light that can activate, heal, awaken, and transform. The symbols are like codes that assist you in your life journey, but they also can be used more consciously to bring about profound soul awakening and connection to our true divine essence. They can be used to open up pathways and doorways to the infinite realms, as well as the connection to the oneness of all life in nature and the whole world around us.

The AFP cards are sacred geometry with high energy and light frequencies to activate, heal, awaken, and transform. The symbols are precise keys that support your physical and energetic alignment to function in devotion to your inner divine essence.  

They were developed intuitively to support your unfurling gnosis. We are all powerful co-creators capable of self-generating and self-realising our fullest potential. We receive the support to unlock the power in parallel with full self-responsibility.


How will the AFP mediation cards help me?

While modern medicine with its physical interventions, and neurological and psychological advances has many solutions to offer they don’t suit everyone or even work for everyone despite the science behind them. These modern interventions may go some of the way to providing help but often they seem to stop short and leave people looking for something else. One thing that is overlooked by these interventions is the energy networks or systems of our bodies yet the energy systems of the body were understood from ancient times, it’s as if we have lost knowledge or that knowledge has been crowded out in our modernist ‘enlightened world’.

We live in a holographic, self-generating universe powered by love. Even whilst science develops its tools and methods for demonstrating this in the collective external reality, we can harness the living power of love via our inner universe.

Everything in our known universe is energy, which vibrates at different frequencies, generating different states of matter. As we explore the power of vibration and see that we can shape our reality, there is a twin growth of self-awareness and self-responsibility. This ensures true power is available to those willing to use it to serve the whole of Life.

How will the AFP mediation cards help me?

AFP mediation cards bring us back to our true essence, to connect more deeply to the inner, harmonise with the outer, and accomplish almost anything. AFP expands us and connects us on many levels. Each card has a specific energy vibration, intention and feeling of energy. Using them in meditation or healing can bring about an energetic shift in your being and your nervous system, re-balancing you to an expanded state of consciousness.

The symbols are like ‘super-charged’ focused intention for raising your vibrations or whatever the symbol is used for. You can visualise yourself sitting inside the symbols and placing them on your body facing you. Or you can also sit and meditate whilst looking at these cards and feel their effects.

The power of the Attuning to Full Potential cards is that they can be used anywhere since they are vibrational cards that help raise your vibrations to a higher level.

To begin with, we may need guidance in exploring the nature of vibrations and the impact that different frequencies can have on us. We become responsible change-makers as we learn how to generate those frequencies from within ourselves and radiate them out in the world. The impact of outside influences on us reduces as we discover our inner power.

Icons are visual representations of patterns of vibration. They can unlock stuck patterns in our own bodies and energy fields by activating higher states of consciousness or awareness. This allows our systems to find new states of coherence and improve our operating functions. We become conscious agents of creation instead of victims of chaos.

As Albert Einstein said, everything in life is vibration.”

Vibrations are composed of everything from physical matter to how you communicate your thoughts. In simple terms, some molecules vibrate faster, and some vibrate slower; there are higher and lower vibrations.Everything in the universe is made up of molecules vibrating at different speeds, including trees, bodies, rocks, animals, thoughts, and emotions.

“As you think, you vibrate. As you vibrate, you attract.


When you are vibrating at a higher level, you feel lighter, happier, and more at ease, whereas lower vibrations feel heavy and confused. Almost all spiritual traditions point the way toward higher realms of consciousness, and scientific studies (like that of consciousness research and spirituality author Dr David Hawkins) have even quantified the vibrations of different states of being to create a scale of consciousness.

How will the AFP mediation cards help me?

AFP mediation cards bring us back to our true essence, to connect more deeply to the inner, harmonise with the outer, and accomplish almost anything. AFP expands us and connects us on many levels. Each card has a specific energy vibration, intention and feeling of energy. Using them in meditation or healing can bring about an energetic shift in your being and your nervous system, re-balancing you to an expanded state of consciousness.

The symbols are like ‘super-charged’ focused intention for raising your vibrations or whatever the symbol is used for. You can visualise yourself sitting inside the symbols and placing them on your body facing you. Or you can also sit and meditate whilst looking at these cards and feel their effects.

The power of the Attuning to Full Potential cards is that they can be used anywhere since they are vibrational cards that help raise your vibrations to a higher level.

As Albert Einstein said, everything in life is vibration.”

Vibrations are composed of everything from physical matter to how you communicate your thoughts. In simple terms, some molecules vibrate faster, and some vibrate slower; there are higher and lower vibrations.Everything in the universe is made up of molecules vibrating at different speeds, including trees, bodies, rocks, animals, thoughts, and emotions.

“As you think, you vibrate. As you vibrate, you attract.


When you are vibrating at a higher level, you feel lighter, happier, and more at ease, whereas lower vibrations feel heavy and confused. Almost all spiritual traditions point the way toward higher realms of consciousness, and scientific studies (like that of consciousness research and spirituality author Dr David Hawkins) have even quantified the vibrations of different states of being to create a scale of consciousness.

According to Abraham-Hicks’ emotional guidance scale, blame is low energy. Out of 22 emotions (arranged from highest vibration at number 1 to lowest at 22), blame is number 15. If you can work toward forgiveness, you will release yourself of this lower energy that can weigh on you like a bowling ball, and up the scale, you will go.

From the epic Indian poem, the Mahabharata:

One should forgive under any injury. It has been said that the continuation of the species is due to man’s forgiving. Forgiving is holiness; by forgiveness, the universe is held together. Forgiveness is the might of the mighty. Forgiveness is sacrifice; forgiveness is quiet of mind. Forgiveness and gentleness are the qualities of the self-possessed. They represent eternal virtue.

You can connect to the cards anytime–not just in meditation. As you go about your day, you can bring yourself back into the present moment and mindful awareness by observing and feeling the sacred geometric shapes that make up the world around you.

For further information on Attuning to Full Potential or training in this modality,

Attuning to Full Potential meditation cards offered as a gift to support you on your journey into greater self-expression and self-mastery. When each of us is in the full activation of our inner genius and lives from that truth, we all thrive together. We are entering a new paradigm where balance and harmony are our natural state. Growth is a natural consequence of organic development. We can achieve the greatest momentum by attuning to higher-order patterns or vibrations instead of resisting them. When we surrender what we think we know, we make space for All That Is to show Itself. Life becomes a delightful receiving. The icons on these cards are designed to attune you to your fullest potential with ease and grace. Thank you for being here.