Anxiety and fear in a child

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Anxiety and fear in a child

Home / Anxiety and fear in a child

Anxiety and fear in a  child are seated in the part of the brain called the Amygdala. Children and adults who suffer from anxiety can experience a feeling of constant fear. The area in the brain called the amygdala plays a role in interpreting how “safe” or how “dangerous” a person’s environment may be. The amygdala, is set in the Limbic system, is responsible for regulating the emotions. Most anxiety cures affect this area of the brain either indirectly through sedation or directly through reprogramming. The amygdala works like an emotional gauge in the limbic system. Under normal conditions, when a person perceives a threat, the amygdala sends this information up to the cerebral cortex for processing. The cortex then assesses the threat and decides how to interpret it. Once this is done, the brain’s system resets to normal. Individuals who have a retained Fear or Moro Reflex have a highly sensitive amygdala, meaning the cortex cannot play a role in determining when to shut off the “fear response.” Instead, the amygdala remains set on overdrive.

The Child Centre Method addresses retained reflexes and this affects how the amygdala, responds to perceived threats. Instead of perceiving a situation as threatening, individuals learn to use logical thinking processes to change how they perceive a situation since the individual is no longer controlled by the most primitive part of the brain.

How can the Child Centre method help?

The Child Centre Method is a “systematic integrated programme that allows the practitioner to firstly identify the individual challenges that each child/client faces and secondly, to create a unique program for that individual.” By training to use this unique and effective holistic therapy you will be able to help children to integrate primitive reflexes. As a result, the child will be more emotionally stable, calmer, and happier. To find out more click on full course training  or book to train to.

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